Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
CB4K offers a review of grade level material as well as an introduction into concepts that students will need to know for the incoming school year. Our academics allow students to work on fundamentals and core concepts that typically provide challenges during the school year. Our academics focus on math drills, writing prompts, reading comprehension, fluency and core fundamentals.
CB4Kâs mission is to keep students brains stimulated throughout the summer without overwhelming them with work. We understand it is summer break so we do not give homework or test during summer classes. We believe that 2.5 â 3 hours of work each day is enough to retain and develop core academic skills.
Recognizing and sequencing numbers
Addition (Carrying) and Subtraction (Regrouping)
Counting Money and Time
Multiplication, Division and Decimals
Fractions, Ratios and Integers
Square roots, Exponents, Word Problems and Algebra
Phonics and alphabet recognition
Reading Comprehension
Writing in complete sentences
Vocabulary development
Short stories
Grammar and Writing