What are the check-in and check-out procedures?

Each morning, the person dropping off the child must sign in on the sign-in sheet.  The CB4K staff members at the sign-in area are authorized to collect weekly payments.   If money is to be left with the camp counselors to hold for a child’s lunch or snacks, that should also be indicated on the sign-in sheet and left with the camp administrator at the check-in table.  Check-out time is from 4:30-6 p.m. on all days except the day that your child’s grade level attends a major field trip.  On major field trip days, students will not likely return to the campus until 5pm. 

 Check-out will also require a signature from an authorized person.  CB4K will only release a child to someone who has prior authorization, as indicated on the child’s original application form or emergency form.  If someone else tries to pick up your child, we will not release your child until phone contact is made with the parent and instructions are given.  Note: You will be asked some questions over the phone to ensure that you are indeed the child’s parent.  For all special arrangements, speak with the camp director or supervisor(s) in advance to ensure that the check-in and check-out process goes smoothly and quickly.

Where will I sign-in my child?

Who are the staff members and what kind of training do they have?