Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
Make a tax deductible donation today through Kids 4College and invest in the future of our youth.
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Go to
Click on Community Contribution on the left side of the web page
Click on Participant sign up
Fill out the Enrollment Form (NPO# 94112)
Donate equipment and supplies
Walkie-Talkies, Clipboards, Portable Storage Bins, Storage Cabinet with a lock, Tape, Scissors, Paper (Blank and Lined), Pens/Pencils/Erasers, Tissue/Napkins, Plates, Spoons/Forks/Cups, Bottled Water, Boom Boxes, Target/Walmart/Staples/Office Depot Gift Cards, Dick’s Sporting Goods/Big 5 Gift Cards, Handballs, Jump Ropes, Tent, Sports Equipment, First Aid (Band-Aids, Peroxide, Ice Packs), Bus or funds to assist pay for a bus to transport students
Make a small donation ($50, $100, $150)
Sponsor a child today!
$125.00 – Assists a parent and child in need for one month of after school assistance (partial scholarship)
$200.00 – Allows a child to experience 1 full week of an educational action packed summer camp
$250.00 – Allows a student one month of after school tutoring (full scholarship)
$1,250.00 – Will allow a child/parent with financial hardships receive a partial scholarship for the entire year
$1,800.00 – Will allow a child to experience camp for an entire summer
$2,500.00 – One year of after school tutoring (offering a kid in need a full scholarship)
$20,000.00 – Eight students will be able to receive after school enrichment for an entire year
Corporate and Foundation Donations
If your company offers Foundation Grants, Employee Matching Funds or Corporate Donations they can help to help bridge the achievement gap of students. Their donations will be used to offer academic assistance to at-risk and/or inner city students or programs in need of assistance.