Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
Challenging Students to Become Independent Thinkers through Tutorial Enrichment Programs!
Are you looking for small personalized classes for your children to make sure they are ready for the Fall. Joy of Reading classes will work with students on phonics and language development. All classes will be geared toward helping students to prepare for the next grade level and maintain grade level performance. Teachers will communicate with parents weekly to keep them updated on student progress. The Joy of Reading will meet 4 times per week with small student teacher interactions (6:1 ratio).
Incoming TK - 1st
June 20 - June 24
June 27 - July 1
July 11 - July 15
July 18 - July 22
July 25 - July 29
(No class on Wednesdays)
Hours: 9:30am – 11am
Price: $150/week
Check-In begins at 9:15am
No class on Wednesday
Hours: 7:15am – 5:30pm (Mon - Friday)
Price: $440/week
Price includes weekly field trip fees
Full day students participate in the Joy of Reading class until 11am and then they join the Mega Camp students for lunch and field trips. On Wednesday, students will participate in a full day field trip.
(See field trip calendar for Wednesday details).